Immigration Consultancy Services

IP Immigration Project Canada


A person can be deemed inadmissible to enter or remain in Canada for the following reasons:

Security reasons – if the individual was or is, directly or indirectly involved in terrorism, espionage, subversion or acts of violence;
Human rights violation – if the person has committed crimes against humanity, was a decision-maker of a political regime that was engaged in human rights violation;
Medical inadmissibility – in case health condition of the individual is likely to be a danger to the health or safety of the Canadian public;
Excessive demand – in case the person’s admission is reasonably expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services provided by the government

Inadmissibility cases are regarded by our professionals individually, on a case-by-case basis. Our firm provides a professional assessment and evaluation of every case and helps you find a reasonable solution, depending on your particular situation.

We either advise you on how to prevent a situation of medical or criminal inadmissibility even before you apply, or we suggest a reasonable solution of appeal in case you have already been deemed inadmissible.

For the detailed consultation please book an appointment.

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